Monday, February 11, 2013

Great Grains

Happy February! I just celebrated by 30th birthday! I feel a bit like a brand new person so I am rolling with this new energized feeling.
I found a recipe that I thought was a bit out there and took a chance, prepare yourself for Peanut Butter Quinoa Cookies.
Quinoa in cookies you ask? Or maybe it's what the heck is quinoa? Here are a few benefits of this ancient grain.
  • Quinoa is a complete protein, it contains all 9 essential amino acids, who says you need meat?
  • Quinoa contains twice as much fiber as other grains, more bang for your buck you could say
  • Quinoa is rich in magnesium. Health benefits of magnesium include transmission of nerve impulses, body temperature regulation, detoxification, energy production, and the formation of healthy bones and teeth. All of which I felt I needed after my birthday party in Las Vegas.
Now to the recipe:
2c quinoa cooked and cooled
1/2c natural salted peanut butter
1/3c raw honey
1/2c dried, unsweetened, shredded coconut
1/2c raw cacoa nibs

Cook the quinoa on the stove top, per the instructions on the box. Allow the quinoa to cool.
Preheat oven to 170 degrees
Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
Flatten tablespoons of the mixture onto parchment paper
Bake for 1 hour

Sadly these were not such a success. They don't stick together like a cookie should. I think more peanut butter would have helped, maybe less quinoa as well. On the plus side, they are totally edible in doughy form and still quite tasty. More coconuty than they are peanut buttery. I can say I tried, baking has never been my strong suit. Let me know if you can get these to turn out right! Till then I'll be eating my globs of yummy.
Update: I added some more peanut butter, a less creamy variety, and I turned them into quinoa balls. Stick with what I know.

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